授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
公共経営論 | 2024 | 秋学期 | - | 国際経営学部 | 張 用振 | チャン ヨンジン | 2年次配当 | 2 |
This course is designed for undergraduate students who are interested in public management issues, such as leadership, public service motivation, organizational culture, work motivation, network and collaboration, and administrative ethics.
There are two objectives in this course: understanding of key concepts in public management theories and application the theories to real-world problems. At the end of the course, students are expected to be understood both theory and practice in public management.
Students should understand public management issues and learn how to write on public management matters in English.
Course Outline and Session Schedule
Week 1: Class Introduction and Overview of Public Management
Week 2: Analyzing the Environment of Public Organizations & The Impact of Political Power and Public Policy
Week 3: Organizational Goals and Effectiveness & Formulating and Achieving Purpose
Week 4: Organizational Structure, Design, Information Technology, and Social Media
Week 5: Understanding People in Public Organizations: Motivation and Motivation Theory
Week 6: Understanding People in Public Organizations: Values, Incentives, and Work-Related Attitudes
Week 7: Leadership
Week 8: Organizational Culture
Week 9: Teamwork: Understanding Communication and Conflict in Groups & Network
Week 10: Managing Organizational Change
Week 11: Administrative Ethics I
Week 12: Administrative Ethics II (Guest Lecture)
Week 13: Managing Organizational Development
Week 14: Final Exam
- Read reading assignments before class
- Write papers
- Collaborate with classmates for the final project
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
中間試験 | 50 | Two papers (25% + 25%) |
期末試験(到達度確認) | 30 | Open book exam |
平常点 | 20 | Class attendance and participation |
Course Expectations
Requirements for Writing Assignments: All writing assignments should be clearly written and well organized. The final paper should be about 15-20 pages (including reference), double-spaced, and 12 points with Times New Roman font (students could choose other font styles). All written assignments must be submitted on time. Late submission is not acceptable. If a student cannot submit the paper on time, her/his grade will be decreased by 30% of the paper for each day.
Your paper will be evaluated by the following criteria:
1) Clear purposes or research questions
2) Well-organized structure
3) Scope of literature review
4) Efforts of data collection
5) Clear presentation of findings
6) Contribution to the subject area
7) Logical coherence
8) Creativity
9) Writing quality
10) Clear reference
A “plagiarism-prevention” program will examine the final paper after your submission.
Class Participation (20%)
Class participation includes attendance and participation in class discussions. Class attendance is required. Any unexpected absence will result in a 20% reduction in the class participation grade. It means that if a student misses a class five times, she/he will get zero (0) points for class participation. Absence due to a medical emergency may be allowed. In such cases, students should submit documentation such as a doctor’s note. Being 30 minutes late is considered absent from the class. Perfect attendance, however, does not guarantee a perfect class participation grade. Students are expected to read the assigned reading materials and participate in class discussions. Active participation will lead to a high score in-class participation. This grade is determined at the instructor’s discretion.
Grading System
Student achievement in this class shall be evaluated on a scale of 100, with scores of 60 or higher being regarded as a “pass.” Students' achievements are recorded according to the following letter grades:
Grade Score
S 100-90 (Pass)
A 89-80 (Pass)
B 79-70 (Pass)
C 69-60 (Pass)
E Less than 60 (Non-pass)
Claims for Grading: If students think their grade is not fair, they can submit a one-page claim report to the instructor. The appeal must be given along with the original paper, assignments, and exams to the instructor no later than 48 hours after the grade is released. The instructor may re-check the grade based on the submitted report. However, this does not guarantee a change. Other than this, the decision will be final.
Other Class Policies
Provide written comments on assignments.
Webex online lecture
Course Readings
Rainey, H. G. (2014). Understanding and Managing Public Organizations. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.