授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
英語3・7 Text-Based Interactive Learning (Extending)/英語(Ⅲ)・(Ⅶ) (Extending) | 2024 | 春学期 | 土3 | 法学部 | ジャメイン ブラディミー |
ジャメイン ブラディミー |
1年次配当 | 1 |
In Text-Based Interactive Learning classes, students use English actively and interactively to learn about themes of interest to them and to share their knowledge and understanding with other students.
In this class you will mainly work in English. However, you are free to use Japanese when there is a linguistic need to do so.
The teacher will use English in all classes.
テーマ:The Global Water Crisis
In this course you will learn about the different water issues around the world and the varying effects that are felt depending on the country’s level of development. We will first focus on primarily understanding what is the global water crisis and the different ways it manifests, then explore different countries’ unique issues with water and measures that are being taken to address such issues. We will also look at individual persons or groups' experience with the water issues to develop a more personal and intimate understanding of said issues. The spring semester will mainly focus on water issues connected to people and their ability to access water. The water issues may be connected but not limited to effect on: access, challenges for women and girls, water-borne diseases and access to water on poverty and equality.
What you will do each week
We will look at different types of text to deepen our understanding of the water issues at hand. Particularly websites that are directly involved in supporting and addressing said water issues. Although the word text is used, you are free to include ideas, research from non-written sources such as videos or podcasts to support their ideas. You will also write a weekly research journal to document what you have learnt and may make products such as booklets, leaflets, PowerPoint presentations and webpages to present what you have learnt to other students.
Spring course outline
After the initial introductory week, there will be two cycles, one which focuses on access to water in developing countries (weeks 2-7) and one which focuses on water crisis issues in developed countries (weeks 8-13), followed by a final review of the semester and self-assessment in week 14. In each of the two cycles we will learn for one week about basic issues and concepts for understanding the topic and look for one week at the stories of a range of people affected, using texts provided by the teacher. You will then find written and audio-visual texts yourself of stories of those suffering from access to water issues to better your understanding of their experiences for two weeks. Your chosen text must be an expansion of a topic covered within the provided text. In the final two weeks of each cycle, you will prepare and share a product (booklets, leaflets, PowerPoint presentation and webpages) to present your learning to other students.
Autumn course outline
After the initial introductory week, there will be two cycles, one which focuses on water scarcity and water stress (weeks 2-7) and one which focuses on any kind of water issue that interests you (weeks 8-13), followed by a final review of the semester and self-assessment in week 14. In each of the two cycles we will learn for one week about basic issues and concepts for understanding the topic and look for one week at the stories of a range of people affected, using texts provided by the teacher. You will then find written and audio-visual texts yourself of stories of the effects of water on our ecosystem and climate to better your understanding of their experiences for two weeks. In the final two weeks of each cycle, you will prepare and share a product (booklets, leaflets, PowerPoint presentation and webpages) to present your learning to other students.
The main objectives of this course are to help you:
(1) engage interactively with others around texts of different kinds (for example, written, audio-visual, multimedia) so that you can develop the ability to use English
(2) build your knowledge on topics and issues of interest to you
(3) share that knowledge interactively with other people
(4) develop your critical understanding of the world.
(1) Through this course you will learn about different topics and issues of interest to you to do with the main theme of this course.
(2) You will improve your reading (and listening) skills and extend your understanding of the topics and issues in this course.
(3) You will develop your ability to use information on topics and issues that interest you.
(4) You will develop your ability to use English comfortably and fluently to explain, discuss and critically analyse information with other people.
Spring Semester
Week 1: Getting to know each other, course overview, - Unveiling the Global Water Crisis -
Week 2: Cycle 1 Factors Limiting Access to Water
Week 3: Cycle 1 The challenges for Women and Girls in collecting water:
Week 4: Cycle 1 The Impact of Water Access and Water Borne Diseases
Week 5: Cycle 1 The Impact of Water Access on Poverty and Equality
Week 6: Cycle 1 The Impact of Water Access and Conflict - preparing and practising presentations
Week 7: Access to Water - presentations and discussions
Week 8: Cycle 2 Introduction to Water Issues in the Developed World -Fresh Water Pollution
Week 9: Cycle 2 Water Issues in the Developed World - An Overview
Week 10: Cycle 2 Water Issues in the Developed World - The Situation in America
Week 11: Cycle 2 Water Issues in the Developed World - The Situation in Europe
Week 12: Cycle 2 Water Issues in the Developed World - The Situation in Asia - preparing and practising presentations
Week 13: Cycle 2 Water Issues in the Developed World - presentations and discussions
Week 14: Review of semester, self-assessment, end of semester survey
Autumn Semester
Week 1: Review of 1st semester, interest and goals - An Overview of Water Scarcity
Week 2: Cycle 3 Water Scarcity, Water Stress and its Causes
Week 3: Cycle 3 Water Scarcity and Agriculture
Week 4: Cycle 3 Water Scarcity and Population Growth
Week 5: Cycle 3 Water Scarcity and Fresh Water Pollution
Week 6: Cycle 3 Water Scarcity and the Ecosystem - preparing and practising presentations
Week 7: Cycle 3 Water Scarcity - presentations and discussions
Week 8: Cycle 4 Water Issues of interest to you - key issues and concepts
Week 9: Cycle 4 Water Issues of interest to you - stories and experiences
Week 10: Cycle 4 Water Issues of interest to you - stories and issues
Week 11: Cycle 4 Water Issues of interest to you - analysis
Week 12: Cycle 4 Water Issues of interest to you - preparing and practising presentations
Week 13: Cycle 4 Water Issues of interest to you - presentations and discussions
Week 14: Review of semester, self-assessment, end of semester survey
その他 Other
Students will be expected to do 2 hours or more preparation outside class each week, including reading (and/or listening), finding sources of information, note-taking, writing, and/or presentations, discussions, and other activities in class.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
中間試験 | 15 | Mid-semester project - (iv) products made during the semester such as presentations and written work, portfolios of work, reflections and self-assessments. |
期末試験(到達度確認) | 15 | End of semester project -(iv) products made during the semester such as presentations and written work, portfolios of work, reflections and self-assessments. |
レポート | 30 | (i) weekly preparation for class. |
平常点 | 30 | (ii) weekly participation and Engagement in class. |
その他 | 10 | (iii) Bi-weekly quizzes. |
Students will be graded mainly based on continuous assessment, in relation to (i) weekly preparation for class, (ii) weekly participation in class, (iii) Bi-weekly quizzes (iv) products made during the semester such as presentations and written work, portfolios of work, reflections and self-assessments, and (v) other ways of evaluating the quality and development of students’ use of English week by week.
Feedback will be provided to students on a fortnightly basis during class time. Additional feedback will be provided to students during the preparation and practice period of their research. After the cycle is complete, students will receive general class feedback to help improve the next cycle.
There is no textbook for this course. All material provided will be open sourced information that can be found online. Students will also be responsible for bringing learning materials to class to share with others.