授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
英語3・7 Text-Based Interactive Learning (Extending)/英語(Ⅲ)・(Ⅶ) (Extending) | 2024 | 春学期 | 水3 | 法学部 | ロナーガン ダーモット |
ロナーガン ダーモット |
1年次配当 | 1 |
In Text-Based Interactive Learning classes, students use English actively and interactively to learn about themes of interest to them and to share their knowledge and understanding with other students.
The students will mostly use English and are permitted to use Japanese whenever necessary.
The teacher will use English only.
Theme: Current Affairs
This course focuses on current affairs from Japan and around the world. You will choose topics that are currently in the news, and you will research the background, current situation, and possible future outcomes.
What you will do in class each week
In this course, we will use different kinds of texts (print, web, audio, video, multimedia) to learn about current affairs. Throughout the semester you will choose issues that interest you, find information, and make
notes about different stories. In class each week you will share and talk about your notes with other students in pairs or small groups. At the end of each cycle, you will do a short presentation.
Spring Semester
After an introductory class in week 1, there will be three 4-week cycles. Students will have the freedom to choose any topic related to current events that are in the news. Using online articles that you will find by yourself, you will research the current situation, the background and history, and possible future outcomes or solutions. In week 4 of each cycle, there will be a short presentation. The class will finish in week 14 with a wrap-up and feedback class.
Autumn Semester
After an introductory class in week 1, there will be three 4-week cycles. Students will have the freedom to choose any topic related to current events that are in the news. Using online articles that you will find by yourself, you will research the current situation, the background and history, and possible future outcomes or solutions. In week 4 of each cycle, ther
The main objectives of this course are to help you:
(1) engage interactively with others around texts of different kinds (for example, written, audio-visual, multimedia) so that you can develop the ability to use English
(2) build your knowledge on topics and issues of interest to you
(3) share that knowledge interactively with other people
(4) develop your critical understanding of the world.
(1) Through this course you will learn about different topics and issues of interest to you to do with the main theme of this course.
(2) You will improve your reading (and listening) skills and extend your understanding of the topics and issues in this course.
(3) You will develop your ability to use information on topics and issues that interest you.
(4) You will develop your ability to use English comfortably and fluently to explain, discuss and critically analyse information with other people.
Class 1: Introduction class
Class 2: Cycle 1 - Current Situation
Class 3: Cycle 1 - Background
Class 4:Cycle 1 Possible outcomes/solutions
Class 5: Cycle 1 - Presentations
Class 6 Cycle 2 -Current situation
Class 7:Cycle 2 - Background
Class 8:Cycle 2 - Possible outcomes/solutions
Class 9: Cycle 2 - Presentations
Class 10:Cycle 2 - Current situation
Class 11:Cycle 2 Background
Class 12:Cycle 3 - Possible outcomes/solutions
Class 13:Cycle 3 - Presentations
Class 14: Wrap up and feedback
Class 1: Introduction class
Class 2: Cycle 1 - Current Situation
Class 3: Cycle 1 - Background
Class 4:Cycle 1 Possible outcomes/solutions
Class 5: Cycle 1 - Presentations
Class 6 Cycle 2 -Current situation
Class 7:Cycle 2 - Background
Class 8:Cycle 2 - Possible outcomes/solutions
Class 9: Cycle 2 - Presentations
Class 10:Cycle 2 - Current situation
Class 11:Cycle 2 Background
Class 12:Cycle 3 - Possible outcomes/solutions
Class 13:Cycle 3 - Presentations
Class 14: Wrap up and feedback
その他 Other
Students will be expected to do 2 hours or more preparation outside class each week, including reading (and/or listening), finding sources of information, note-taking, writing, and/or presentations, discussions, and other activities in class.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
平常点 | 100 | Students will be graded mainly based on continuous assessment, in relation to (i) weekly preparation for class, (ii) weekly participation in class, (iii) products made during the semester such as presentations and written work, portfolios of work, reflections and self-assessments, and (iv) other ways of evaluating the quality and development of students’ use of English week by week. Note: To pass this course, students should have no more than 3 absences. 成績は主に平常点で決まります。平常点の内訳の概要は以下の通りです: (i)毎週の宿題 (ii)毎週のクラスへの出席と参加 (iii)課題の評価(プレゼンテーション、ライティング、ポートフォリオ、復習と自己評価) (iv)その他の評価基準 注意点:単位取得のためには、欠席が3回を超えないこととする。 |
There are no textbooks required. Students will engage in authentic materials such as newspapers and news websites.