授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
英語3・7 Text-Based Interactive Learning (Improving)/英語(Ⅲ)・(Ⅶ) (Improving) | 2024 | 春学期 | 金4 | 法学部 | 淺見 ローナ 幸恵 | アサミ ローナ サチエ | 1年次配当 | 1 |
In Text-Based Interactive Learning classes, students use English actively and interactively to learn about themes of interest to them and to share their knowledge and understanding with other students.
In this class you will work in: English, but can also use Japanese when you need to.
The teacher will use: English and a little Japanese when needed.
Theme: Comparative governments and politics - forming profiles, exploring themes
In this course, you will learn about various countries and their governments, ranging from democratic to authoritarian. We will use a variety of research resources such as the United Nations’ websites, or various newspaper and NGO/NPO websites, and also easy-to-read articles, books, and videos on the subject. Each semester you will select a country of your choice. You may study the same country for the entire year, or change countries at the beginning of the fall semester. There will be two cycles per semester. In each cycle there will be a research topic every week with the semester goal to make a profile for your selected country. As each student builds their selected country’s profile, we will be able to learn how governments and politics work in different countries. This will help us to be able to describe our own selected country in a clearer way and also understand other countries as well. Ultimately, this will help us to understand our own home government and political environment in a new way.
What you will do in class each week:
You will learn from both written and also multimedia texts. Each week, you will make notes about the texts outside of class, and work in pairs or small groups in class to share in English (and some Japanese if necessary) what you have learned from those texts to develop your understanding with other students about human rights issues. You will also write a short weekly journal about your learning and make products such as slideshows or slideshow presentations to demonstrate what you have learned to other students.
Spring course outline:
In this spring semester, there will be two different cycles for our learning and research. In the first cycle, you will learn about how to become a citizen of your selected country, and the different branches of its government. You will also learn about a political figure that has been influential in your country. In the second cycle, you will learn about social and economic indicators or policies of your country and how these policies have affected your selected country’s citizens. As you share your research each week with other students, you will be able to compare and contrast their findings with your own and we will build a basic profile for each selected country.
Fall course outline:
In the fall semester, we will continue our exploration of our class theme of “Comparative governments and politics” in Cycle 3 by looking at positions and policies of your selected government. (At this point, you may decide to continue studying the same country and government as you did in the spring semester, or change to another.) You will focus on social and economic issues of your choice such as hate speech, press freedoms and restrictions, gender equality, drugs, poverty, technological innovation, economic sanctions, etc. Then in Cycle 4, everyone will describe a mass political movement and/or campaign and its effects within your country, and then look outwardly at how your country interacts with allies and also enemy or rival countries on the international scene.
The main objectives of this course are to help you:
(1) engage interactively with others around texts of different kinds (for example, written, audio-visual, multimedia) so that you can develop the ability to use English
(2) build your knowledge on topics and issues of interest to you
(3) share that knowledge interactively with other people
(4) develop your critical understanding of the world.
(1) Through this course you will learn about different topics and issues of interest to you to do with the main theme of this course.
(2) You will improve your reading (and listening) skills and extend your understanding of the topics and issues in this course.
(3) You will develop your ability to use information on topics and issues that interest you.
(4) You will develop your ability to use English comfortably and fluently to explain, discuss and critically analyse information with other people.
第1回 Course introduction and requirements, Cycle 1 introduction to class, ICT tools, and websites, selection of countries (ranging from democratic ~ authoritarian), explain reading, note-taking, and weekly journal
第2回 Cycle 1 SMART goal, reading, note-taking, and journaling: describe paths to citizenship
第3回 Cycle 1 reading, note-taking, and journaling: structure and power of selected country’s government (Executive, legislative)
第4回 Cycle 1 reading, note-taking, and journaling: structure and power of selected country’s government (Judicial, bureaucratic)
第5回 Cycle 1 reading, note-taking, and journaling: Stories of a political figure from your selected country or someone’s path to citizenship
第6回 Cycle 1 slideshow presentations: Day 1 students give presentations, followed by peer evaluations and discussions
第7回 Cycle 1 slideshow presentations: Day 2 students give presentations, followed by peer evaluations and discussions
第8回 Self-evaluation/assessment and look ahead to Cycle 2: evaluate Cycle 1 SMART goal, write Cycle 2 SMART goal
第9回 Cycle 2 reading, note-taking, and journaling: social indicators/spending/public policies in your selected country (health, education, life expectancy, family, housing, freedoms, etc.)
第10回 Cycle 2 reading, note-taking, and journaling: economic indicators/spending/public policies in your selected country (GDP, unemployment, inflation, etc.)
第11回 Cycle 2 reading,note-taking, and journaling: key terms, paraphrasing: stories of country’s social or economic effect on country’s citizen/s
第12回 Cycle 2 slideshow presentation: Day 1 people give presentations, followed by peer evaluations and discussions
第13回 Cycle 2 slideshow presentation: Day 2 people give presentations, followed by peer evaluations and discussions
第14回 Self-evaluation/assessment: evaluate Cycle 2 SMART goal, class survey, and review of the semester
第1回 Review of spring semester and course requirements, select same or different country from the spring semester (ranging from democratic~authoritarian), write Cycle 3 SMART goal
第2回 Cycle 3 sharing notes and journaling: review and paraphrase highlights from the spring semester of your selected country, add some new information
第3回 Cycle 3 reading, note-taking, and journaling: positions & policies of two or more political parties, civic groups, or NPOs/NGOs on a selected social issue such as hate speech, immigration, labor issues, press freedoms and restrictions, gender equality, refugees, etc.
第4回 Cycle 3 reading, note-taking, and journaling: positions & policies of two or more political parties, civic groups, or NPOs/NGOs on a selected economic issue such as climate crisis mitigation, drugs, poverty, income inequality, trade policy, technological innovation, infrastructure development, economic sanctions, globalization etc.
第5回 Cycle 3 journaling: key terms and phrases. Individual stories of political effect on selected social or economic issue
第6回 Cycle 3 slideshow presentations: Day 1 people present, peer evaluation, and discussions
第7回 Cycle 3 slideshow presentations: Day 2 people present, peer evaluation, and discussions
第8回 Reflection and self-evaluation/assessment: evaluate Cycle 3 SMART goal, write Cycle 4 SMART goal
第9回 Cycle 4 reading, note-taking, and journaling: describe a mass political movement and/or campaign and its effect in your selected country
第10回 Cycle 4 reading, note-taking, and journaling key terms, paraphrasing: international political relationships - strengthening a relationship with another country
第11回 Cycle 4 reading, note-taking, and journaling key terms, paraphrasing: international political relationships - a challenging relationship with another country
第12回 Cycle 4 slideshow presentations: Day 1 people give presentations, followed by peer evaluations and discussions
第13回 Cycle 4 slideshow presentations: Day 2 people give presentations, followed by peer evaluations and discussions
第14回 Reflection and self-evaluation/assessment: evaluate Cycle 4 SMART goal, class survey, and review of the semester
Students will be expected to do 2 hours or more preparation outside class each week, including reading (and/or listening), finding sources of information, note-taking, writing, and/or presentations, discussions, and other activities in class.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
平常点 | 100 | Students will be graded mainly based on continuous assessment, in relation to (i) weekly preparation for class, (ii) weekly participation in class, (iii) products made during the semester such as presentations and written work, portfolios of work, reflections and self-assessments, and (iv) other ways of evaluating the quality and development of students’ use of English week by week. Note: To pass this course, students should have no more than 3 absences. 成績は主に平常点で決まります。平常点の内訳の概要は以下の通りです: (i)毎週の宿題 (ii)毎週のクラスへの出席と参加 (iii)課題の評価(プレゼンテーション、ライティング、ポートフォリオ、復習と自己評価) (iv)その他の評価基準 注意点:単位取得のためには、欠席が3回を超えないこととする。 |
The teacher will provide feedback on assignments, notes, or other submitted materials. In class, you will also receive peer feedback from other students as you develop and share your research through the semester.
Outside of class, you will read from a variety of texts such as websites, news articles, and subtitled videos. You will pick up key words and information and summarize the parts you want to remember. You will select a topic of your own interest to research and report and keep a journal of your learning progress. You will learn to organize and outline your information in a logical way. During class, in pairs and small groups, you will explain and discuss your research, as well as share your research in a slideshow presentation.
Outside class, you will use online resources for listening, reading, and doing research each week, and in each class you will use manaba, Google Drive, Google Docs, PowerPoint, or other ICT tools to share and develop your work with others.
There is no textbook for this course. The teacher will explain in class about online resources and other reference materials you will use.
In class, you will work in English, but can also use Japanese when you need to. 受講者も英語を用いることが求められるが、必要に応じて日本語も使うことができる。
The teacher will use English most of the time, and sometimes add explanation in Japanese. 教員は主に英語で授業を進めるが、可能な場合は日本語で説明も加える。