授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
英語3・7 Inquiry-Based Interactive Learning (Extending)/英語(Ⅲ)・(Ⅶ) (Extending) | 2024 | 春学期 | 金6 | 法学部 | トゥウラル リリィ |
トゥウラル リリィ |
1年次配当 | 1 |
This course is for students who want to use English to learn about legal, political, business and other issues.
The main language used in this class is English. You should make an effort during class to communicate with the teacher and with other students in English as much as possible. However, you may also use Japanese when using English is especially difficult or when you want to clarify and/or confirm some information.
International Business Issues and Conflicts
In this course, we will focus on international business issues by exploring topics such as corporate environmental and social responsibility, forced labor in global supply chains, income inequality, cultural impacts of globalization, brain-drain phenomena, DEI issues, gender inequality, fair trade practices, and cybersecurity concerns. Through working on these issues, you will learn to analyze complex issues, work collaboratively towards possible solutions. as well as develop a holistic view of the role and impact of international businesses in relation to global challenges and conflicts.
During each semester, you will choose and work on two research projects according to your interests. You will be expected to do in-depth research, using the internet, and can also do field work, surveys, and/or interviews with different actors (such as company representatives, national and local government officials, members of the public, NGOs, and different civil society groups). Each week in class you will have the opportunity to discuss and explore in detail the development of your research. At the end of each project, you will be asked to give a presentation in small groups to share your knowledge with your listeners so you can learn together about and discuss the issue or conflict that you have chosen to research. By the end of the course, you will have developed an understanding of the interconnectedness of global business and society, and be equipped with the knowledge and skills to look critically at the complex landscape of international business.
The main objectives of this course are to help you
(1) use English to learn interactively with other students about issues relating to the theme of this course
(2) build your knowledge on topics and issues of interest to you
(3) share that knowledge interactively with other people
(4) develop your critical understanding of the world.
(1) Through this course you will learn about and explore issues relating to the theme of this course
(2) You will learn to do your own research through gathering information, making notes, and organizing information outside class.
(3) In class, you will learn how to share your research with others through explaining, discussing, and presenting your work in different ways.
(1) この授業では、当該科目のテーマに関連する諸問題について調べ学習をします。
(2) 自分のリサーチテーマに関連する情報を集め、ノートをとって、まとめるという作業を通して、リサーチの仕方を習得していきます。
(3) 自分のリサーチの内容について英語で説明・討論し、また、発表も行うなど、クラスメイトと共有する様々な方法を学びます。
第 1 回 Course introduction and requirements, goal-setting, introduction to international business issues and conflicts through; web-based research and websites; student choice of an international business issue and conflict to research
第 2 回 Cycle 1: The Global Business Environment Framework – sharing research notes 1: Interests and a general understanding of international business issues.
第 3 回 Cycle 1: The Global Business Environment Framework – sharing research notes 2: Key current conflicts
第 4 回 Cycle 1: The Global Business Environment Framework – sharing research notes 3: Important concepts in international business and presentations
第 5 回 Cycle 1 reflection and self-evaluation/assessment; student interests and goal-setting for Cycle 2: Forces of Globalization; student choice of international business globalization issue to research
第 6 回 Cycle 2: Forces of Globalization – sharing research notes 1: Basic information
第 7 回 Cycle 2: Forces of Globalization – sharing research notes 2: Case 1
第 8 回 Cycle 2: Forces of Globalization – sharing research notes 3: Case 2
第 9 回 Cycle 2: Forces of Globalization – presentations
第 10 回 Cycle 2: Forces of Globalization – reflection and self-evaluation/assessment student interests and goal-setting for Cycle 3: International Business Environment issue to research
第 11 回 Cycle 3: International Business Environment – sharing research notes 1: Basic information
第 12 回 Cycle 3: International Business Environment – sharing research notes 2: Case 1 information
第 13 回 Cycle 3: International Business Environment – sharing research notes 2: Case 2
第 14 回 Cycle 3: International Business Environment – presentations; reflection and self evaluation; Class survey and review of the semester
Students will be expected to do 2 hours or more preparation outside class each week, including finding sources of information, reading and listening, note-taking, writing, and/or preparing for presentations, and submit assignments as required by the teacher.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
平常点 | 100 | Grades are 100% determined by continuous assessment. Requirements to pass this course: no more than 3 absences, active participation in class activities, weekly preparation outside class, and timely completion of assignments. Further details will be provided by the teacher at the start of the semester. 成績は100%平常点で決まります。ただし単位を修得するには、特段の理由がない限り、学期中の欠席は3回を超えないこと、毎週授業外の準備を行うこと、さらに課題を全て指定された締め切りまでに仕上げることが必要です。詳細は学期の開始に担当教員が説明します。 |
The teacher will provide feedback on assignments, notes or other submitted materials. In class, you will also receive peer feedback from other students as you develop and share your research through the semester.
Outside class, you will use online resources for doing research each week, and in each class you will use manaba, Google Drive, Google Docs, PowerPoint or other ICT tools to share and develop your work with others.
Outside class, you will use online resources for doing research each week, and in each class you will use manaba, Google Drive, Google Docs, PowerPoint or other ICT tools to share and develop your work with others.
There is no textbook for this course. The teacher will explain in class about online resources and other reference materials you will use.