授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
演習Ⅰ | 2024 | 春学期 | 木3 | 商学部 | 平澤 敦 | ヒラサワ アツシ | 3年次のみ | 2 |
These are pre-registration courses for the third-year dividend.
Seminar I, II, III, IV and Thesis are set subjects.
Seminars are held in English, but Japanese is also used when necessary.
Let's consider the position of European, American and Asian countries and Japan with a multifaceted mindset - with global diversity risks as the KEY WORD.
Research various issues in global businesses in comparison with European, American and Asian countries and Japan from a multifaceted perspective.
Before commencing your studies.
In order to enable students to begin your research smoothly in the third year, you will master the methods of gathering materials at non-university libraries (e.g. the National Diet Library) and research institutions, as well as the drafting of resumes and powerpoints, in several sub-seminars. Students will conduct high-level research by boldly challenging not only domestic but also overseas research materials. Don't underestimate the importance of formality
In order to be eligible for high-level research, students need to have extensive knowledge of commercial studies. In several sub-seminars, the aim is to acquire basic knowledge of management, marketing, financial analysis, etc. through MBA texts. Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to broaden and deepen your research themes and envision a variety of research topics. As appropriate, we will also ask working professionals from different genres to look at your researches and give you advices.
【When you start your research】
In order to turn " likes" into a professional career in the future, the goal is to develop the mindset and thinking methods necessary for business through domestic and international research and interviews with people from various genres, while incorporating theory and practice in the seminar's research. While engaging in friendly competition with your fellow seminar students, you will definitely be able to experience the rigours and joys of learning through sincere research. We will improve our intellectual creativity and intellectual armament so that part of the axis of our remaining two years of university life will be fulfilled through "seminar research", and although "fun" is also important, we will spare no effort in our training and aim to reach the top.
"Think globally, Act locally!"
The issue of 'what is the meaning of globalisation' is now being re-examined. In order to operate within a global framework, it is also important to know how to deal with risk. This is because there can be no corporate activity without risk. (The COVID-19 is a perfect example. ). In this seminar, we will focus on the KEY WORD of 'global', 'diversity' and 'risk' to add depth to the knowledge acquired at the Faculty of Commerce, and to break away from conventional 'study' to conduct interesting, theoretical and practical 'research' in the two-year seminar setting, thereby improving our multilateral thinking, knowledge We aim to improve our ability to think from multiple perspectives, our knowledge, our armaments and our human skills.
Let's work together and acquire the strength to " never give up" in the face of various difficulties.
"SELF-PITY I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself." ― D.H. Lawrence
●Even if you are not good at English or your pronunciation is Japanese-English, acquire the ability to 'communicate' in English.
●Improve English language skills.
●To gain specialized knowledge not only in Japanese but also in English
●To be able to give presentations in English
The goal is for students taking this seminar to acquire expert knowledge and improve their ability to explain logically by selecting a research theme and evolving and deepening their group research.
Specifically, the above goals are achieved through a series of presentations of research results both on and off campus.
Group research will be conducted on selected themes and topics.
In order to acquire presentation skills in English, students will develop the ability to prepare documents in English.
Try your best to eliminate your dislike of English!(Japanese will also be used as necessary, so don't worry).
As soon as the course enrolments are confirmed, several pre-seminars will be held to share as much knowledge as possible (Destinations will be decided after discussion with the students).
Participation in various presentation competitions on and off campus, joint seminars on campus and with other universities, etc. will be left to the students' own initiative.
【3rd year】
※Please note that the schedule may change due to overseas surveys or joint seminars.
1. Confirmation of annual schedule, selecting potential overseas research destinations
2. Business basics studies ①
3. Business basics studies ②(textbook for MBA, etc.)
4. Determine research theme(topic) and group
5. Group research presentations ①
6. Group research presentations ②
7. Group research presentations ③
8. Discussions on overseas surveys and interviews
9. Group research presentations ④
10. Group research presentations ⑤
11. Group research presentations ⑥
12. Joint seminar with other universities
13. Final Confirmation of overseas surveys and interview items
14. Summary of the previous term (report on the results)
15. State of progress of each group's research during the summer break
16. Overseas surveys
17. Summary of overseas surveys
18. Group research presentations ⑦
19. Discussions on joint seminar with other universities
20. Group research presentations ⑧
21. Group research presentations ⑨
22. Group research presentations ⑩
23. Group research presentations ⑪
24. Joint seminar with other universities
25. Extracurricular activities
26. Preparation and consultation on job searching by Hirasawa seminar alumni, etc.
27. Research achievement reports
28. Summary for the current year
【4th year】
※Please note that the schedule may change due to overseas surveys or joint seminars.
1. Confirmation of annual schedule, explanation of graduation thesis writing
2. Notes on selecting a graduation thesis topics
3. Selecting a thesis topics
4. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ①
5. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ②
6. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ③
7. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ④
8. Discussions on overseas surveys and interviews
9. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ⑤
10. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ⑥
11. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ⑦
12. Joint seminar with other universities
13. Final Confirmation of overseas surveys and interview items
14. Summary of the previous term
15. Progress on the graduation thesis during the summer break.
16. Overseas surveys
17. Summary of overseas surveys
18. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ⑧
19. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ⑨
20. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ⑩
21. Lectures by alumni of the seminar
22. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ⑪
23. Presentation of progress on the graduation thesis ⑫
24. Joint seminar with other universities
25. Extracurricular activities
26. Submission of graduation thesis
27. Proofreading of graduation thesis
28. Presentation of graduation thesis to second and third year students
Company hearings, alumni hearings, hearings (exchanges) with people from different fields, seminar camps, overseas surveys, etc. participation in joint seminars with other universities, external presentation competitions, etc.
Making full advantage of the small organisation of the seminar, we eat (and drink) well, play well, learn well and challenge ourselves with various activities so that we can lead a fulfilling student life.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
レポート | 10 | Appropriateness of resume formats and contents |
平常点 | 70 | Presentations in seminars, participation in classes |
その他 | 20 | Proactive involvement in discussions, etc. |
The evaluation is based on whether the student actively contributes to the seminar activities or not.
・Fisher,Roger,Ury William L and Patton Bruce (2011)Getting to Yes: Negotiating an agreement without giving in,Random House Business (岩瀬大輔訳(2011)『ハーバード流交渉術 必ず「望む結果」を引き出せる!』三笠書房)
・Grant,Adam (2013) Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success,Penguin Books(楠木健監訳(2014) 『GIVE & TAKE「与える人」こそ成功する時代』三笠書房)
・Hofstede,Geert,Hofstede Gert Jan and Minkov,Michael (2010) Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind: Intercultural Cooperation and Its Importance for Survival,McGraw-Hill (岩井八郎・岩井紀子訳(2013)『多文化世界 -- 違いを学び未来への道を探る 原書第3版』有斐閣)
・Iyengar,Sheena(2011) Art Of Choosing: The Decisions We Make Everyday of our Lives, What They Say About Us and How We Can Improve Them,Abacus(櫻井佑子訳(2014)『選択の科学 コロンビア大学ビジネススクール特別講義 』文春文庫)
・Kahneman,Daniel (2011) Thinking,Fast and Slow,Farrar Straus & Giroux (村井章子訳、友野典男解説(2012) 『ファスト&スロー (上・下): あなたの意思はどのように決まるか?』早川書房)
・Meyer,Erin(2014) The Culture Map: Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures,Public Affairs(樋口武志訳・田岡恵監訳(2015)『異文化理解力――相手と自分の真意がわかる ビジネスパーソン必須の教養』英治出版)
・Woodward,Bob and Costa,Robert (2021) Peril,Simon & Schuster Inc.( 伏見威蕃訳(2021)『PERIL 危機』日本経済新聞出版)
・Young,James Webb(2003) Technique for Producing Ideas,Revised edition,McGraw-Hill (初版1965年の訳、今井茂雄訳、竹内均解説(1988)『アイデアのつくり方』CCCメディアハウス)
・河野健二(1963)『世界の名著 マキアヴェリからサルトルまで』中公新書
・桑原武夫編(2012)『日本の名著 近代の思想 改版』中公新書
・桜井久勝・須田一幸(2023)『財務会計入門 第16版』有斐閣
・佐々木圭吾(2016)『みんなの経営学 使える実戦教養講座』日経ビジネス人文庫
・佐藤 望・湯川 武・横山 千晶・ 近藤 明彦(2020)『アカデミック・スキルズ(第3版)―大学生のための知的技法入門』慶応義塾大学出版会
・出口知史(2016)『東大生が実際に学んでいる戦略思考の授業: 経営学は、生き残るための教養だ! 』徳間書店
・沼上幹(2008)『わかりやすいマーケティング戦略 新版』有斐閣
・沼上 幹・一橋MBA戦略ワークショップ(2015)『一橋MBA戦略ケースブック』東洋経済新報社
・熊谷徹(2015)『ドイツ人はなぜ、1年に150日休んでも仕事が回るのか 』青春新書
・水村美苗(2015)『増補 日本語が亡びるとき』ちくま文庫
・渡辺靖(2011)『文化と外交 パブリック・ディプロマシーの時代 』中公新書
【Regarding recruitment】
● Number to be accepted :7~8
● Report(both Japanese and English are acceptable)
● Interview(both Japanese and English are acceptable)
● Overseas surveys
Destination:UK, LA, Singapore, Finland, Thailand, Malaysia, Hong Kong,Vietnam,etc.
Duration: October (5-6 days, depending on destination)
Content of surveys:Interviews with local companies, universities, research institutions, etc.
● Students who are thinking of applying to this seminar, in order to avoid mismatches, make sure to
contact HIRASAWA (atsushi@tamacc.chuo-u.ac.jp)
for an explanation (ask any questions you may have, about the seminar's research theme, alumni
employment (career paths), or anything else you wish to know).
We are looking for students who meet the following criteria !
Students who(are);
kind, strong-minded and have a sincere attitude towards research.
can interact actively with other seminar students.
want to establish friendly rivalry in research outside of the circle.
not afraid of English (even if their grades are poor, it does not matter as long as they have a strong will to work hard).
not double-crossy (← Especially important! Students whose attitude does not change before and after the seminar are preferred).
thinking of earning credits for the seminar for the time being are not suited to this seminar.
※Software planned to be used
・ IBM SPSS?(統計解析ソフト)
・. SAS?(データ解析や統計分析)
・. Stata?(統計解析ソフト
・. Financial QUEST
・ Skype(会話コミュニケーションツール)
・. Acrobat DC?(PDF作成・編集・加?・管理ソフト)
・. Dreamweaver CC?(Webデザイン・アプリデザイン?ソフト)
・. Illustrator CC?(グラフィックソフト)
・. Photoshop CC?(画像編集ソフト)
・. ?経 Value Search?