授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
専門演習Ⅰ | 2024 | 秋学期 | - | 国際経営学部 | 杉本 豊彦 | スギモト トヨヒコ | 2年次配当 | 2 |
(1) 本ゼミを希望する場合は必ずゼミ相談会に参加すること(開催日時は後日発表)
(2) どなたからの申込みも歓迎しますが、特に消費者と製品との関わり(消費者が特定の製品・サービスをどのように感じ、考え、反応するか?)に興味があり、それを英語で勉強してみたい学生からの申込みを歓迎します。
(3) 英語でのコミュニケーションや卒業論文執筆のため高い英語力が求められます(目安 CEFR B1以上)。英語力がこのレベルを満たさない場合でも応募・相談は可能です(英語力を伸ばし、この分野を学習したいという強い意欲の方が重要)。
(4) 選抜方法
1) 自己PR(出身地、英語力[英語学習への意欲、特にwriting]、所属サークル、アルバイト先、希望する進路、自己の強みと弱み 等)
2) 志望動機 (このゼミを志望する理由、「消費者行動」への興味と考え、研究したいテーマ 等)
【Research topic】:
The seminar series focuses on the research area of consumer behaviour. Specifically addressing issues relevant to retailing (i.e., B to C) and tourism. Students may select their own topic within other areas of consumer behaviour. If such cases, they need to consult with the instructor.
* Keywords:
Consumer responses to brand imitation, Corporate CSR and consumer behaviour, tourists dining choice behaviour, consumer response to gathering personal information (e.g., facial recognition, location data collection).
【Student’ goal】:
The ultimate goal for students is to write a graduation thesis. For this aim, they are expected to explore research topics in the area of consumer behaviour. They should formulate their own research question, review relevant literature by developing a reading list, select an appropriate research method, perform data collection and analysis, and summarise their findings in the thesis.
Students who register for this seminar are required to enroll in Seminars II, III, IV, and V and submit a graduate thesis. The prospective outline for the upcoming seminar courses is as follows:
Seminar I: Learn the fundamentals of research methods (what is qualitative and quantitative research?) through lectures and group work.
Seminar II: Explore research topics within consumer behaviours, find research topics of interest (roughly, first draft), decide on the research approach, and develop a list of articles relevant to their topic. It consists of lectures, presentations, and discussions.
Seminar III: Based on Seminars I and II, write a research proposal with a schedule, and fix the research activities for the upcoming year. Advanced students may engage in preparation for data collection (e.g., develop a survey or interview protocol). This seminar can involve a combination of lectures and group work.
Seminar IV: Conduct data collection preparation (continued from Seminar III), run data collection, and perform data analysis. Students can also report on their research progress. The seminar would be a combination of lectures and individual consultations.
Seminar V: Complete data analysis, write up graduation thesis, and deliver the final presentation. This seminar encompasses research progress presentations and individual consultations.
【What you would gain from the seminars】:
・Foundation for success in international companies.
・A basis if you are considering pursuing a master's degree overseas.
【Other key features】:
・Respecting each other equally is important. (If you respect me just like you respect your friend, feel free to call me “Toyo” casually)
・Value students’ positivity. For example, to other student’s presentations, try to turn any challenges or problems into constructive positive feedback.
・If you wish to proceed with your research faster, go ahead! (especially after Seminar II). I understand students are busy with job hunting or club activities etc, which are also important aspects of university life.
・Guest speakers from both academic and practical fields could be invited. They would provide not only academic knowledge (e.g., how to conduct research and write a paper) but also offer advice on job hunting, studying abroad, and working overseas. Such insights will be valuable even after entering the professional world.
The ultimate goal of this seminar series (Seminars I–V) for students is to conduct their own research and write their graduation theses.
Specifically, Seminar I offers an opportunity for them to gain the foundations of research methodology (i.e., understand what research is) and learn how two major research approaches, qualitative and quantitative, commonly employed in consumer behaviour research differ, and when and where these should be applied.
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand the purpose and basic concepts of marketing research and be able to explain them to others.
2. Select an appropriate research approach (e.g., qualitative or quantitative) for a specific research topic.
3. Interpret research findings and explain them with implications from consumer behaviour perspectives.
Week 1 Guidance of Seminar 1
Week 2 Introduction to Marketing Research
Week 3 Research Process
Week 4 Sampling
Week 5 Qualitative Research 1: What is qualitative research?
Week 6 Qualitative Research 2: Thematic analysis
Week 7 Analysing & Interpreting Qualitative Data: Thematic analysis group work
Week 8 Quantitative Research 1: Survey research
Week 9 Quantitative Research 2: Experimental research
Week 10 Measurement
Week 11 Analysing & Interpreting Quantitative Data 1: Data screening
Week 12 Analysing & Interpreting Quantitative Data 2: Demographics, t-test
Week 13 Analysing & Interpreting Quantitative Data 3: Correlation etc
Week 14 Closing the course (course recap, Q & A for the final assignment)
* The course contents are subject to change.
・Students are expected to read the assigned chapter of the textbook prior to coming to each class, which would require them to spend at least four hours.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
レポート | 70 | Each student will submit a research report on qualitative data analysis and its interpretation. |
平常点 | 30 | Class activities (e.g., group discussions, short presentations) will be held in each class. The quality of their work and attitude of participation will be rated. |
・The assignment items above could be changed depending on the class size or other reasons. In such instances, additional details will be announced by the instructor.
・Attendance will be taken in each class. Course credit will not be offered to those students with over five absences from this course.
・Each class consists of a lecture and subsequent individual/group activities relevant to the class content, which help students facilitate their communication and collaboration skills.
・Students are required to bring their own device (e.g., laptop PC) that meets the minimum specifications recommended by the Faculty (e.g., display screen size, processor).
・Please note that the University strictly prohibits the use of Social Networking Services (SNS) during lectures. Additionally, distribution of course material outside the class is prohibited due to copyright protection, license agreement terms and conditions, and other restrictions.
The lecturer possesses five years of real-world business experience as a system consultant/engineer at a large Japanese conglomerate. He has expertise consulting diverse system users across various business departments to understand their underlying needs, engaged in multiple system-introducing projects, collaborating with programmers, and holds experience delivering presentations to the business audience, including manager levels.
With this business background and experience, the lecturer instructs students on issues of marketing research with real-world examples but also helps students develop essential business skills (e.g., teamwork or presentation skills) through group activities.
・ Babin, B. J., d’Alessandro, S., Winzar, H., Lowe, B., & Zikmund, W. G. (2020). Marketing Research (5th ed.). Cengage Learning.
ISBN 10: 0170438961
ISBN 13: 9780170438964
The textbook above is planned (not fixed and subject to change).
Further details will be provided in the guidance (so it is advisable to wait to purchase the textbook until then.)
・In emergent circumstances (e.g., an epidemic of an infectious disease), the assignment items could be changed. In such a case, the details will be provided to students soon after.
Assignments (including graduation thesis) in this seminar series adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style and format for academic documents.
The following websites can be useful: