授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
英語表現演習1 | 2024 | 前期 | 水1 | 理工学部 | カレンダー ポールカイル | カレンダー ポールカイル | 1年次配当 | 1 |
This is an academic speaking and listening course. The aim of the course is to develop the ability to communicate smoothly and clearly in English. Students will learn about a variety of social and global issues, building up their knowledge of the world and improving their ability to think critically about important topics. During classes, they will share information, ask and respond to questions, and discuss their opinions in pairs and small groups. They will also learn how to gather information and present their ideas in a more extended format. Through engaging with challenging material, students will build their speaking and listening skills and gradually develop the confidence to express themselves in English clearly and logically.
This course will provide students with opportunities to improve their academic speaking and listening skills in English. It will help them to develop the fundamental communication skills they will need in their university studies.
Students should be able to:
1. Understand and give information about a variety of social and global issues.
2. Express their opinion in a clear and logical manner and respond to the opinions of others.
3. Speak for an extended length of time about information and ideas.
The following schedule is subject to change depending on student level and classroom dynamics.
However, the majority of the lessons will be taught.
1) Introduction and general outline of the course:
Unit Topic: How are you
Speaking content: Greeting people, saying goodbye
2) Units 2, 3 & 4
Unit Topics: Nice to meet you / Can you say that again? / Nice weather isn't it?
Speaking content: Introducing myself and others, asking for personal information, asking for repetition, making small talk
Video study and Q&A
3) Units 5, 6 & 7
Unit Topics: I love hip hop! / My favorite movie is.../ What time is it?
Speaking content: Expressing likes and dislikes, asking about favorites, returning questions, asking about and telling the time
4) Units 8, 9 & 10
Unit Topics: Would you like to try kayaking? / Do you have any brothers? / She's pretty smart.
Speaking content: Asking for and giving opinions, asking about and describing family members, describing and comparing personalities
Video study and Q&A
5) Units 11, 12 & 13
Unit Topics: I love your shirt! / What is she wearing? / When do you get up?
Speaking content: Giving and responding to compliments, asking and describing what people are wearing, asking and describing routines
6) Units 14, 15 & 16
Unit Topics: When do you get there? / What do you do first? / What are you doing?
Speaking content: Asking follow-up questions, asking about & describing a sequence, asking about & describing ongoing activities
Video study and Q&A
7) Review Units 1-16
Go through review practices on key grammar points.
Swap partners
8) Units 17, 18, & 19
Unit Topics: What's your place like? / Where can I get a lamp? / Where is the mall?
Speaking content: Asking about & describing a place, asking for & giving suggestions, asking about & describing locations
9) Units 20, 21, & 22
Unit Topics: Take a left / How much is the coffee? / Will you take ?
Speaking content: Asking & giving directions, asking about & giving prices, bargaining for prices
Video study and Q&A
10) Units 23, 24, & 25
Unit Topics: Do you ever buy books? / Your phone is so cool / Do you eat much fruit?
Speaking content: Asking about & describing frequency, describing features, asking & talking about quantities
11) Units 26, 27, & 28
Unit Topics: We need onions / Do you eat a big lunch? / How does it taste?
Speaking content: Asking about & describing needs, describing what you eat, eating habits, asking about & describing food.
Video study and Q&A
12) Units 29, 30, & 31
Unit Topics: I had a great weekend/ What time did you call?/ You won't believe this!
Speaking content: Talking and asking about past events, introducing news
13) Unit 32: What are your plans?
Speaking content: Asking about & describing future plans
Video study and Q&A
Review exercises Units 17-32 swapping partners
14) Achievement Check
Individual oral speaking tests with pairs facing the instructor
No homework is required. However, students should review in their own time so as optimize their in-class performance.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
中間試験 | 15 | This course focuses on practical speaking abilities. There will be a short, face-to-face test consisting of a Q&A with the instructor and a group of two-to-four students. Students are expected to apply what they have practiced in class to demonstrate their practical ability. |
期末試験(到達度確認) | 15 | There will be a short, face-to-face test consisting of a Q&A with the instructor and a group of two-to-four students. Students are expected to apply what they have practiced in class to demonstrate their practical ability. The instructor will look for evidence of improvement in students who performed poorly in the mid-semester test. |
平常点 | 50 | Students will be closely and extensively monitored on their execution and completion of conversation and communication tasks. The instructor will be constantly and actively monitoring pairs and groups of students and conducting one-on-one practice conversations. |
その他 | 20 | Any unexplained absence will disbar the students from an A grade. Unexplained lateness (arriving more than 5 minutes late after class begins) will be noted. Persistent unexplained lateness will result in a grade penalization. |
Since this a speaking class, there will be no written reports.
Required Textbook:
Jack C. Richards and David Bohlke, "Speak Now, Level 1", Oxford University Press
ISBN 978-0-19-403015-1