授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
英語3・7 Text-Based Interactive Learning (Extending)/英語(Ⅲ)・(Ⅶ) (Extending) | 2024 | 春学期 | 月2 | 法学部 | ニックス マイケル |
ニックス マイケル |
1年次配当 | 1 |
In Text-Based Interactive Learning classes, students use English actively and interactively to learn about themes of interest to them and to share their knowledge and understanding with other students.
In this class: you will work in: English, but can also use Japanese when you need to.
The teacher will use: English and Japanese.
Theme: Crime, Punishment and Rehabilitation - Rethinking Issues in Criminal Justice
In this course, you will learn about different approaches to crime, criminals and the punishment or rehabilitation of offenders (people found guilty of committing crimes) in the criminal justice systems of Japan and other societies. We will consider questions such as: what counts as a crime or not and why; how suspects are treated by the police and in court during the judicial process; what the effects of punishing offenders, especially by incarcerating them (sending them to prison) are; how offenders can be rehabilitated and helped to return to positive roles in society; and how criminal justice systems protect or violate human rights and can worsen racial, wealth and other inequalities. The focus will be on considering alternatives to the most widely used, ‘common-sense’, approaches to crime and punishment and on learning from the stories of people affected by and working in the criminal justice system.
What you will do in class each week
In this course you will use online written and audio-visual resources to learn about criminal justice issues of interest to you in 4 cycles. Each cycle will begin with us all thinking together about some shared sources of information that introduce the topics and issues for the cycle. You will then be able to focus on more specific problems and issues that interest you, finding your own sources of information on the course website or from your own search, and making notes on those. Each week in class, you will share and discuss your information first with students working on similar problems and issues and then with students working on different areas. Each cycle will end with presentations and discussions of your research in small groups with other students. As well as finding information, reading and making notes each week for homework, you will keep a research journal in which you write about what you have learnt, and how your thinking is changing and developing, about criminal justice issues
Spring course outline
In Cycle 1 (Weeks 1-7), we will learn about different approaches to what is a crime and who is a criminal, how crime can be reduced, and various models of punishment and rehabilitation for treating offenders, through the example of different kinds of crime such as drug use and the drug trade, sex work, tax evasion and shop-lifting. In Cycle 2 (Weeks 8-14), will focus on what happens to suspects and suspects’ rights in the judicial process, including who gets bail and who is held in custody, how suspects are questioned by police, different ways that trials are decided (by judge, jury, etc), and miscarriages of justice (in which innocent people are found guilty).
Autumn course outline
The theme of Cycle 3 (Weeks 1-7) is incarceration, that is sending people found guilty of crimes to prison. We will look at conditions in prisons and prisoners’ rights, whether prisons deter people from committing more crimes or encourage more criminality, the unequal use of incarceration for the poor, black people and other groups in society, and the use of alternatives to incarceration in criminal justice systems. In Cycle 4 (Weeks 8-14), you will have the opportunity to look more at any criminal justice issue that interests you, to learn about the criminal justice system in a particular country, compare different approaches to the treatment of one kind of crime, or learn in more depth about one particular approach to treating offenders.
The main objectives of this course are to help you:
(1) engage interactively with others around texts of different kinds (for example, written, audio-visual, multimedia) so that you can develop the ability to use English
(2) build your knowledge on topics and issues of interest to you
(3) share that knowledge interactively with other people
(4) develop your critical understanding of the world.
(1) Through this course you will learn about different topics and issues of interest to you to do with the main theme of this course.
(2) You will improve your reading (and listening) skills and extend your understanding of the topics and issues in this course.
(3) You will develop your ability to use information on topics and issues that interest you.
(4) You will develop your ability to use English comfortably and fluently to explain, discuss and critically analyse information with other people.
Spring semester
Week 1: Getting to know each other, course overview, interests and goals; Starting Cycle 1
Week 2: Cycle 1 Issues in crime, punishment and rehabilitation
Week 3: Cycle 1 Learning from stories
Week 4: Cycle 1 Focusing on specific issues
Week 5: Cycle 1 Building knowledge and developing analysis
Week 6: Cycle 1 Presentations and discussions Round 1
Week 7: Cycle 1 Presentations and discussions Round 2; Starting on Cycle 2
Week 8: Cycle 2 Issues in the judicial process
Week 9: Cycle 2 Learning from stories
Week 10: Cycle 2 Building knowledge and developing analysis
Week 11: Cycle 2 Focusing on specific issues
Week 12: Cycle 2 Building knowledge and developing analysis
Week 13: Cycle 2 Presentations and discussions Round 1
Week 14: Cycle 2 Presentations and discussions Round 2; Semester review and self-assessment
Autumn semester
Week 1: Review of 1st Semester, interests and goals; Starting Cycle 3
Week 2: Cycle 3 Issues in incarceration
Week 3: Cycle 3 Learning from stories
Week 4: Cycle 3 Focusing on specific issues
Week 5: Cycle 3 Building knowledge and developing analysis
Week 6: Cycle 3 Presentations and discussions Round 1
Week 7: Cycle 3 Presentations and discussions Round 2; Starting on Cycle 4
Week 8: Cycle 4 Identifying research areas of interest
Week 9: Cycle 4 Learning from stories
Week 10: Cycle 4 Investigating cases
Week 11: Cycle 4 Building knowledge
Week 12: Cycle 4 Developing analysis
Week 13: Cycle 4 Presentations and discussions Round 1
Week 14: Cycle 4 Presentations and discussions Round 2; Semester review and self-assessment
その他 Other
Students will be expected to do 2 hours or more preparation outside class each week, including reading (and/or listening), finding sources of information, note-taking, writing, and/or presentations, discussions, and other activities in class.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
平常点 | 100 | Students will be graded mainly based on continuous assessment, in relation to (i) your weekly attendance and participation in class, (ii) your weekly preparation for class, (iii) the development of your use of English, and (iv) the development of your knowledge and thinking about criminal justice issues. Note: To pass this course, students should have no more than 3 absences. 成績は主に平常点で決まります。平常点の内訳の概要は以下の通りです: (i)毎週のクラスへの出席と参加毎 (ii) 週の宿題 (iii) 英語力の向上 (iv) 刑事司法問題に関する知識と思考を深める。 注意点:単位取得のためには、欠席が3回を超えないこととする。 |
The teacher will provide feedback on assignments, notes or other submitted materials. In class, you will also receive peer feedback from other students as you develop and share your research through the semester.
Outside class students will do research on issues relating to the course theme that interest them. During class, in pairs and small groups, they will explain and discuss their research, as well as share their research through presenting and/or writing in different ways.
Outside class, you will use online resources for doing research each week, and in each class you will use manaba, Google Drive, Google Docs, PowerPoint or other ICT tools to share and develop your work with others.
There is no textbook for this course. The teacher will explain in class about online resources and other reference materials you will use.
The teacher will provide you with the URL for the course website in the first class.