授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
導入演習1 C | 2024 | 春学期 | 水1 | 法学部 | バーフィールド アンドリュー |
バーフィールド アンドリュー |
1年次のみ | 2 |
このゼミは英語で行われます。したがって英語を使うことに強い関心がある学生を募集します。目安として、英検2級以上もしくはTOEIC650点ほどの英語力が必要です。上記スコアに満たなくても、言語問題への関心が高く、英語力の向上に高いモーティベーションがある学生は大歓迎です。主な使用言語は英語ですが、必要に応じて日本語も使えます。This seminar is taught in English, so you need to have a strong interest in using English actively. Recommended starting level: Eiken grade 2 or higher; TOEIC 660 plus. Even if you don’t have such a score, as long as you have a strong interest and motivation, you are still very welcome. Although this seminar is taught in English, you can use Japanese when you need to.
In this seminar, the main language is English, but you can also use Japanese (and other languages if you have them). This seminar will provide opportunities for you to explore different ways to use different languages in combination.
In this seminar we will explore together what language diversity means by investigating different questions to do with language. We will look at questions to do with language diversity not only in Japan now, but in other societies too, as well as during different historical periods, for example: What rights should people have to use different languages in a society? What kind of questions to do with discrimination and identity come up to do with language diversity? What impacts do standard languages have on minority language communities and individuals? What are endangered languages? What language impacts are immigration and tourism having on different societies, including Japan? What are global languages, and what impacts do they have on language diversity? What kind of language laws do different societies have? Why?
Through both semesters you will work each week in pairs and small groups, developing your fluency and learning to discuss comfortably, as well as analyse and think critically. In the Spring semester we will start with online newspapers and videos, to get information about social, political, and legal Issues to do with language. We will also use different readings to learn about key concepts and issues to do with language diversity. You will make notes and share information with each other to develop together your understanding. In the Autumn semester you will dig deeper and choose individually a language diversity issue to research. You will develop your research over several weeks, before giving a presentation and then writing a report.
このゼミでは、現代社会における言語の多様性に関わる、様々な社会・政治・法律問題を扱います。使用言語は主に英語です。年間を通して、リサーチ、ディスカッション、プレゼンテーション、レポート執筆を行える程度に英語力を伸ばすことができます。また分析的、批判的思考力を養うことができます。さらに、段階的にリサーチの方法を学び、毎週リサーチ結果を他の学生と共有することにより、分かりやすく、自信をもって、英語のスピーキング、ライティングができるようになります。This seminar deals with a variety of social, political, and legal issues related to language diversity in modern society. The main language used is English. Throughout the year, students will be able to improve their English skills to the extent that they can conduct research, discussions, presentations, and write reports. Students will also be able to develop their analytical and critical thinking skills. In addition, you will learn step-by-step research methods and share your research results with other students each week, enabling you to share your research with others clearly and confidently through speaking and writing.
1. learning about issues to do with language diversity and developing together knowledge and understanding of specific cases both in Japan and in other countries
2. developing your academic and critical literacy
3. communicating, discussing and presenting your own ideas, research, and arguments clearly to others
4. creating together a learning community and sharing different perspectives and questions with each other
5. developing your quality of research and quality of analysis, discussion, and critical thinking
6. developing your English through (1) to (5), using Japanese when you need to, and exploring how you can use English, Japanese (and other languages if you have them) in combination
第1週:Introduction to the seminar, getting to know each other; sharing language experiences, interests, and goals; creating community
第2週:Focus on language experiences ("linguistic repertoires") and sharing news reports (online texts and videos) about language diversity
第3週:Focus on language environments ("linguistic landscapes") and sharing news reports (online texts and videos) about language diversity
第4週:Reading and discussion about standard languages and minority languages; sharing news reports (online texts and videos) about language diversity
第5週:Reading and discussion about language and power; sharing news reports (online texts and videos) about language diversity
第6週:Presentations in pairs and small groups to review weeks 1-5
第7週:Reading and discussion about language laws and language rights
第8週:Reading and discussion about endangered languages and language revitalisation
第9週:Reading and discussion about hate-speech, language discrimination, language movements and campaigns; review weeks 7-9; choice of theme for a short research project on a language diversity issue
第10週:Focusing your short research project on a language diversity issue
第11週:Developing your short research project on a language diversity issue
第12週:Finalising your short research project on a language diversity issue
第13週:Short research project presentations in pairs and small groups
第14週:Reviewing your development over the semester; feedback and semester review
予習・復習を十分にして授業に臨むこと。Weekly preparation outside the seminar (2-3 hours) is necessary. This may involve reading, watching video resources, searching for information, and making notes, as well as keeping an online reflection/research journal. In the seminar each week you will work in pairs and small groups and share your research and preparation actively through discussion, presentation, raising questions, and writing reflections. You can also carry out a summer project, and do fieldwork, particularly in the Autumn semester, if you wish to (for example, photo-documentation, interviews, life-stories, survey, and other ways of doing research about language diversity issues ).
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
平常点 | 40 | Active participation / 参加態度 :40% |
その他 | 60 | Note-taking and weekly reflections /リサーチ(ノート・テイキングと毎週の振りかえり): 30% Presentations / プレゼンテーション: 30% |
Note: To pass this seminar, students should have no more than 3 absences.
The teacher will provide feedback on assignments, notes or other submitted materials. In the seminar you will also receive peer feedback from other students as you develop and share your research through the semester. フィードバックとして教員が課題やノート等、提出物にコメントを書くことがあります。授業中、学生はリサーチで得たものをクラスメイトと共有し、フィードバックしてもらうこともあります。
In this seminar students do reading and research outside of class and explain and discuss their reading and research in the seminar each week, also giving presentations and sharing their work in progress. Students will learn about different ways of researching. Each seminar involves pair and group discussion as a matter of fact.
Outside the seminar, you will use online resources for doing research each week, and in each seminar you will use manaba, Google Drive, Google Docs, PowerPoint or other ICT tools to share and develop your work with others. We will also explore using various search engines, databases, video, and other multi-media tools.
教科書の指定はありません。扱う論文は適宜配布します。また、学生のみなさんは、リサーチの情報源として、ゼミ生用のウェブサイトを使うことができます。 There is no textbook for this seminar. Readings and a website with online resources will be provided to help students with their research.
本ゼミで一年間、英語でリサーチを行うことにより、あなたの英語力は自然と伸びます。海外留学を希望する学生や、リサーチをつうじて英語力を伸ばしたいと希望している学生は、ぜひ、本ゼミを履修してください。Through this seminar you can naturally improve your English throughout the year. If you are planning to study abroad or wish to develop your English through doing research, this seminar offers you an excellent opportunity.
質問や相談のある方は、遠慮なく下記メールアドレスまで連絡してください。Feel free to contact me
Links for different web resources will be provided at the start of the semester.