授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
Oral Communication | 2025 | 通年 | 金4 | 文学部 | ワトソン、ダーネル A | ワトソン、ダーネル A | 2~4年次配当 | 2 |
This is a communication class where students focus on speaking and listening skills, pronunciation, building vocabulary, sharing information, expressing ideas and opinions, asking questions, and actively speaking up.
Weekly journals are due as homework.
This class will be face-to-face on campus. If there are any unexpected changes to our schedule, information will be posted on Manaba.
In the class, you will work on the following:
Building vocabulary
Improving grammar skills
Improving listening skills
Gaining confidence in speaking
Actively engaging in communication by asking questions and expressing thoughts and opinions.
Giving longer, more descriptive, and informative answers
Practicing the art of give and take in communication
In this class, you will
Improve your vocabulary
Improve your grammar
Improve your listening skills
Improve your communication skills
Gain more confidence in your communication skills
You will prepare answers to questions about several topics to share in class and discuss in small groups. All work must be submitted on Manaba at the end of each unit.
All Topics and Questions will be posted on Manaba at least one week in advance. You will have your material ready to share and discuss in class each week.
1. Course overview: Organize Groups A and B
2. Introductions/Overview continued.
3. Topic 1: Share and Discuss Hometowns: Journals are due: Group A
4. Topic 2: Share and Discuss Clubs and Circles: Journals are due: Group B
5. Video: The Greatest Showman: Journals are due: Group A
6. Video: Finish The Greatest Showman: Work in small groups. Journals are due: Group B
7. Topic 3: Share and Discuss Movies: Journals are due: Group A
8. Topic 4: Share and Discuss Anime and Manga: Journals are due: Group B
9. Topic 5: Music: Work in small groups: Journals are due: Group A
10. Topic 5 Music Continued: Share and Discuss in Small Groups: Journals are due: Group B
11. Topic 6: Part-time Jobs: Share and Discuss in Small Groups: Journals are due: Group A
12. Video: Breakfast Club: Journals are due: Group B
13. Video: Breakfast Club/Work in Small Groups: Journals are due: A and B
14. Topic 7: Share and Discuss High School Life
1. Reentry and welcome back
2. Topic 1: Engish Skills: Share and Discuss in Small Groups: Journals are due: Group A
3. Topic 2: Podcasts: Share and Discuss in Small Groups: Journals are due: Group B
4. Video: Social Network: Journals are due: Group A
5. Video: Social Network/Work in Small Groups: Journals are due: Group B
6. Topic3: Social Media: Share and Discuss in Small GroupsJournals are due: Group A
7. Topic 4: Reading: Share and Discuss in Small Groups: Journals are due: Group B
8. Day in the Life videos: No journals are due
9. Topic 5: My Campus Life: Share and Discuss in Small Groups: Journals are due: Group A
10. Video: October Sky: Journals are due: Group B
11. Video: October Sky: Work in Small Groups: Journals are due: Group A
12. Topic 6: Futures and Goals: Share and Discuss in Small Groups: Journals are due: Group B
13. Topic 7: Winter and New Year's: Share and Discuss in Small Groups. All Journals are due (A and B)
14. Topic 8: 2023/2024 Kanji and Nengajo: Share and Discuss in Small Groups: NO Journals are due.
Find a podcast to listen to daily or weekly, to improve your listening skills
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
平常点 | 80 | Sharing material in class for each topic and set of questions Active participation in class discussions and activities IN English Quality of work shared in class Being prepared each week Submitting work on time Late work will lose points. Work not submitted will result in lost points. |
その他 | 20 | Weekly journals written as homework. These are daily notes in English about your experiences, thoughts, and observations, which are turned in according to the schedule posted on Manaba. |
There is no required text. All material will be provided by instructor.
More than 2 unexcused absences per term will affect grades.