授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
Oral Communication | 2025 | 通年 | 月2 | 文学部 | バールドウィン デイヴィッド |
バールドウィン デイヴィッド |
2~4年次配当 | 2 |
Students should have completed basic English training in high school. This class will build on that level.
Students will learn about a different country every other class through readings, videos and discussion. They will then conduct some basic research into a topic that was not covered in the textbook and lead a discussion in a small group the following week. Starting with Australia, there will be 6 countries in all covered in the textbook. Students will read and watch a video in class with the teacher leading the discussion and giving advice and direction in English.
Every other week, each student will do some short research and prepare a discussion for a group. Regular practice in asking questions, creating content questions and leading a discussion will provide substantial experience in English. Individual topics will be chosen by the students according to their own interests.
Students will practice phonemes in English that do not appear in their native language such as "f" and "th". Regular short practice will be held at the beginning of each class as a warm up.
Students are encouraged to read up or watch the videos on their own to prepare for the class.
The first semester:
∙ To help increase your listening ability
∙ To help increase your ability to understand a variety of accents
∙ To focus on different countries around the world in succession
∙ To consider the opinions of those with different values and outlooks
∙ To give you practice in developing an opinion
∙ To give you practice expressing your opinion
∙ To give you practice summarizing important information
∙ To give you practice retrieving information from the internet
∙ To offer a context for a deeper understanding of today’s globalized world
∙ To consider how strong culture is in each country
The second semester:
∙ To help increase your listening ability
∙ To help increase your ability to understand a variety of accents
∙ To get used to using English as a means of communication
∙ To consider the practices and histories of people around the world
∙ To give you practice in developing an opinion
∙ To give you practice expressing your opinion
∙ To give you practice summarizing important information
∙ To give you practice retrieving information from the internet
∙ To provide a context for further research and discussion that will be helpful in your future
Students will receive an overall sense of what happens in different countries around the world. In a country such as Mexico, the food, history, culture and music is quite different from that of Asian countries. Students will have a sense of many of those differences.
Students will have learned research techniques such as brainstorming, summarizing, key word searches and more. They will have learned about the nuts and bolts of contemporary platforms such as WORD, Google and file sharing.
The world is going global and there is no turning back. We will embrace globalization in the class and discuss positive as well as negative aspects.
First Semester:
Week 1: Introduce the class procedure - basic communication techniques - research techniques
- leading a discussion guidance
Week 2: Australia reading and video - discussion - prepare for discussion groups
Week 3: Discussion groups on Australia
Week 4: Indonesia reading and video - discussion - prepare for discussion groups
Week 5: Discussion groups on Indonesia
Week 6: Singapore
Week 7: Discussion groups
Week 8: Mid-term review on chapters 1-2-3 and discussion group check
Week 9: China
Week 10: Discussion groups
Week 11: Argentina
Week 12: Discussion groups
Week 13: Mexico
Week 14: Final review on chapters 4-5-6 and group discussion check
Second Semester:
Week 1: Germany reading and video - discussion - prepare for discussion groups
Week 2: Discussion groups on Germany
Week 3: Finland reading and video - discussion - prepare for discussion groups
Week 4: Discussion groups on Finland
Week 5: Poland
Week 6: Discussion groups
Week 7: Mid-term review on chapters 7-8-9 and discussion group check
Week 8: Spain
Week 9: Discussion groups
Week 10: Greece
Week 11: Discussion groups
Week 12: Kenya
Week 13: Final discussion group check
Week 14: Final review on chapters 10-11-12 and wrap up
Most of class time will be reviewing your homework assignments, which are based on the textbook chapters and videos.
Every other class will include a group discussion. This is for you to develop your opinion and perhaps to debate or at least to compare opinions with other students in your group. Every other week you will also have internet-assignment, for the necessary background information to help you develop an opinion. In listening to a variety of accents, particularly from people whose native language is not English, you will first learn to get the general meaning of spoken English, though you may not understand every word.
The outside class assignment is in preparation for class time. The best way to improve your ability is to complete the assignments well before the class date and use the class time for review of what you have already prepared. You will use the time researching and reading an article. Then you will prepare questions for discussion. This does not take much time, but does require thinking time for creating the best questions and discussion topics.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
中間試験 | 10 | Chapter reviews based on readings covered in class |
期末試験(到達度確認) | 10 | Chapter reviews based on readings covered in class |
レポート | 35 | Discussion topic research and planning (written) |
平常点 | 35 | In-class discussions with two spot checks per semester (oral communication) |
その他 | 10 | Outside class work completed in a timely manner |
70% of the grade will be on your topic research and discussion preparation as well as in-class performance and spot checks twice a semester.
30% will be on textbook work. If you complete the readings, watch the videos and take part in the discussion in class, you will receive credit. The reviews will be questions on the readings and videos.
Submission of assignments will be done on Google classrooms.
Class notices will be given on Manaba. Students will learn how to use both platforms in class.
Individual notes will be given in class and on the Google classroom platform.
Scott Berlin and Megumi Kobayashi (authors)
On Board for More World Adventures (textbook)
金星堂 (February 20, 2021)
Paperback or hardcover acceptable
ISBN-10 : 4764741342
ISBN-13 : 978-4764741348
No more than 4 absences will be accepted.
Plan ahead for transportation delays.
Please plan to review an hour each week in reviewing the reading assignments and keeping up with the written assignments. Regular work and practice is the key to improving.