授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY | 2024 | 夏季集中 | 他 | 文学研究科博士課程前期課程 | 笹尾 敏明 | ササオ トシアキ | 1年次配当 | 2 |
This course assumes that students are fairly motivated and in good academic standing, having already taken some of the following courses: Introductory Psychology and possibly other courses in psychology.
Because of our societal concerns about the rising rate of social problems, the application of psychological knowledge and methods has grown tremendously in recent years. Psychologists have begun to do research and offer policy recommendations on many real-world problems and social issues, including health care, environmental issues, legal issues, educational and mental health concerns, the mass media, and life in organizations. Aside from testing and expanding the limits of basic psychological processes as they apply to current social problems, a more recent approach entails the design and evaluation of interventions intended to ameliorate or even prevent such problems. Amid the iniquities and social upheaval during the 50s and the 60s in the U.S., the field of community psychology was born in 1965 at the Swampscott Conference near Boston, Massachusetts to provide an action-research approach to social issues.
Prerequisites: General or Introductory Psychology, and/or one or more of the following preferred but not required as prerequisites: Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Psychological Statistics, Cross-Cultural Psychology, etc. and/or with the instructor’s approval.
This course has been designed to provide a rigorous graduate-level introduction to the field of community psychology. Community psychology is concerned with person-environment interactions and the ways society impacts upon individual and community functioning. Community psychology focuses on social issues, social institutions, and other settings that influence individuals, groups, and organizations. Community psychology as a science seeks to understand relationships between environmental conditions and the development of health and well-being of all members of a community. The practice of community psychology is directed towards the design and evaluation of ways to facilitate psychological competence and empowerment, prevent disorder, and promote social change. The goal is to optimize the well-being of individuals and communities with innovative and alternative interventions designed in collaboration with affected community members and with other related disciplines inside and outside of psychology (e.g., social and clinical psychology, social work, public health, nursing, peace and justice studies, policy science). As such, by understanding the rationales and background of the field, students should appreciate an alternative view of human-enviromental interactions in the context SDGs.
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able:
(a) to develop an understanding of the role of social-historical factors in the development of community psychological perspectives;
(b) to develop a working knowledge of different theoretical approaches for prevention of social and psychological problems in the community and begin to think about how these can be practically implemented;
(c) to understand and critically analyze the community psychological research literature; and
(d) to acquire basic research skills necessary for community-based research in developing and evaluating prevention interventions.
Please note that the following schedule pertains to the 2023 schedule so it is subject to change. The following session topics are based on the previous years, and they may be subject to change depending on the level and interest of those enrolled.
Session #1: Introduction & Course Overview: Before Our Trip
- This first session will provide an overview of the course and expectations
Session #2: What is Community Psychology?: History, Values, & Assumptions (1)
Session #3: What is Community Psychology?: History, Values, & Assumptions (2)
- These two sessions will include an introduction to CP's history, values and orientations, and the
scope of the field.
Session #4: Embracing Social Change
- This session discusses the process of social changes and CP's understanding and approaches.
Session #5: Empowerment and Community Participation Approaches
- The history and approaches of empowerment principles in community psychology are the main
focus of the session.
Session #6: Ecological and Environmental Approaches (1)
Session #7: Ecological and Environmental Approaches (2)
- Several extant theories of social ecology will be discussed along with the applications in the real
Session #8: Approaching and Affirming Human Diversity
- This session discusses the emerging issues in human diversity in designing and evaluating
social interventions in community, school, work and family contexts.
Session #9: Prevention, Strengths and Promotion Approaches (1)
Session#10: Prevention, Strengths and Promotion Approaches (2)
Session#11: Prevention, Strengths and Promotion Approaches (3)
- These three sessions provides a comprehensive introduction to the issues in prevention
(history, concepts, and applications around the world.
Session #12: Community Psychology and Social Justice
- Given the unprecedented pandemic around the world, issues of social justice and human rights
have received increasing attention in community psychology. This session reviews several
theories and models of social justice in social interventions.
Session #13: Stress and Coping Strategies: A Community Psychology Perspective
- This session provides an alternative view of stress and coping and the applications.
Session #14: Community Psychology into the New Era?
- This final session encourages students with the new knowledge and skills they learned as they
attempt to apply to real world problems.
Students are expected to engage in serious review of the course materials before and after each class session outside of classrooms, and to complete all the course assignments before due dates.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
中間試験 | 40 | Module Quizzes |
期末試験(到達度確認) | 20 | Final Exam |
レポート | 30 | Exercises |
平常点 | 10 | Attendance and Class Engagement (assumed 100%) |
The above requirements and criteria for evaluation are based on the previous years' course offering; as such, some changes may occur.
The following free online textbook is required and available at https://press.rebus.community/introductiontocommunitypsychology/
Jason, et al. (2019). Introduction to community psychology* Becoming an agent of change. Rebus Press.
Late submission of Assignments. As a rule, no late submissions are accepted. However, for any reasons discussed with the instructor and/or in cases of emergencies (e.g., car/scooter/bike accidents, arrest, death of relatives), an extension of assignments