授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
基礎演習1 | 2024 | 春学期 | 木1 | 法学部 | ニックス マイケル |
ニックス マイケル |
2年次のみ | 2 |
Diversity and Equality in Japanese Society / 日本社会における多様性と平等
In this seminar, you will learn about the experiences of different minoritized groups and communities in Japan, of interest to you, and about different approaches to promoting greater diversity, equality and social inclusion. In past years, students have chosen to learn about issues such as: the education of children with foreign roots, the situation of single parent families in poverty, the revitalization of the Ainu and Ryukyuan languages, the cultural identity of deaf people, the situation of Zainichi Koreans, the Kurdish asylum seeker community in Kawaguchi and Warabi, possibilities for improving the situation of children raised in care homes, and the experiences of rainbow families with same-sex and transgender parents.
The focus will be on listening to and learning from the voices and stories of people in these groups and communities and from people who are working to improve the situation around these issues. We will visit organisations that support diversity and equality, and more multicultural communities in Tokyo (such as the multi-ethnic community in Shin Okubo). There will also be opportunities to investigate policies on diversity at Chuo University and the support given to students, teachers and staff from diverse backgrounds, or the policies on diversity in your local community.
The seminar will also support you to take part in activities and events that promote equality and diversity at Chuo, or to volunteer with groups that, for example, provide educational support for children with foreign roots, organise an Ainu and Okinawan cultural festival, or organise an LGBT 成人式.
During the seminar, there will be opportunities to work together with students in Yoshida Chiharu sensei’s 1st year 導入演習 seminar on diversity and inclusion. For example, we may present and discuss some of our research with the students in Yoshida sensei’s class and learn about their interests in diversity, or work together with them to organize an event on diversity at Chuo.
You will be able to develop your use of English in this seminar if you want to. However, it is not an English class and you may also use Japanese in it, and develop your ability to work bilingually and switch between English and Japanese. 本演習は主に英語で行われますが、言語の授業ではないため、必要に応じて日本語も使用できます。そのため、必ずしも高度の英語力が必要というわけではありません。学ぶ内容に関心を持ち積極的に参加するうちに 、単純な英語力の向上だけでなく、英日の両方を同時に使い分ける、よりバイリンガルに言語に馴染む機会となるでしょう。
1. 日本で社会的にマイノリティとして追いやられた人々の経験や、多様性や平等を求め推し進めるために取られてきた方策に対する知識や理解を深めること。
2. 実践的な活動に関心を持つ学生は、中央大学内でのそのようなボランティア活動やその他の学外活動へ参加すること。
3. 課題に対して批判的に調査・議論・発表・執筆する能力を向上させるだけではなく、学生自身の考えを効果的に共有できるよう多様な手段(例:視聴覚資料の使用やウェブサイトの制作など)を使うことで、研究を深めること。
During this course, students will:
1. Develop a broad understanding of diversity and equality in contemporary Japanese society as well as detailed, critical knowledge of specific areas or issues relating to diversity and equality
2. Understand issues of diversity and equality from the perspectives of people affected by and involved in them, and to learn from the stories and experiences of those people
3. Develop their academic literacy for gathering, analysing, explaining, discussing, presenting on and writing about issues in society
4. Develop their digital literacy for doing and sharing research using ICT tools and for presenting research using PowerPoint
5. Gain experience of taking part in practical activities to promote diversity and equality, such as organising events and volunteering with civil society organisations
Week 1: Introduction to seminar; students’ interests, stories/experiences and goals
Week 2: : Research cycle 1 - Groups and communities in multicultural Japan – learning from stories
Week 3: Research cycle 1 - building basic knowledge
Week 4: Research cycle 1 – understanding experiences and issues for each group/community
Week 5: Research cycle 1 – understanding key actors for each group/community
Week 6: Research cycle 1 – presentations and discussions round 1(group A)
Week 7: Research cycle 1 – presentations and discussions round 2(group B)
Week 8: Planning activities and events to support diversity at Chuo / in the local community
Week 9: Research cycle 2 – Diversity and equality at Chuo / in the local community – developing basic knowledge
Week 10: Research cycle 2 – learning about experiences and issues
Week 11: Research cycle 2 – looking at actors and approaches
Week 12: Research Cycle 2 - learning from other contexts
Week 13: Research cycle 2 – presentations and discussions round 1(group A)
Week 14: Research cycle 2 – presentations and discussions round 2(group B)
We may change this plan depending on students' interests, progress during the semester, and other factors.
Out-of-class preparation and review will include research (reading and note-taking) with the support of the course website, writing about your research, and preparing for presentations and discussions. You are also encouraged to participate in out-of-class activities at Chuo or in the local community to support diversity and equality.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
その他 | 100 | 平常点 |
平常点/Continuous assessment will be based on:
1. Preparation for class
2. Participation in class
3. Development of your academic and digital literacy
4. Develop of your knowledge and understanding about diversity and equality in Japanese society
Give spoken or written feedback on work submitted
a. Online research (including using resources on the seminar website)
b. Using the seminar website and/or Google Drive to share your research
c. Using PowerPoint for presenting your research in class
There is a website of readings and links to online materials to help you with your research. There is no textbook for the seminar.