授業科目名 | 年度 | 学期 | 開講曜日・時限 | 学部・研究科など | 担当教員 | 教員カナ氏名 | 配当年次 | 単位数 |
英語3・7 Text-Based Interactive Learning (Extending)/英語(Ⅲ)・(Ⅶ) (Extending) | 2024 | 春学期 | 水3 | 法学部 | 中村 優子 | ナカムラ ユウコ | 1年次配当 | 1 |
In Text-Based Interactive Learning classes, students use English actively and interactively to learn about themes of interest to them and to share their knowledge and understanding with other students.
(1) Students
(b) In class, you will work in English, but can also use Japanese when you need to. 受講者も英語を用いることが求められるが、必要に応じて日本語も使うことができる。
(2) Teacher
(b) The teacher will use English and Japanese. 教員の使用言語: (b)英語と日本語
テーマ:アメリカ社会の諸問題 / Issues in American Society
After winning World War II, the United States became the hegemony of the world. Its political ideology, economic theory, culture, and technology have swept the world into the swirl of “Americanization.” However, in the 21st century, the balance of power in the world has undergone major changes. And America is showing itself like never before. For Japan, which has been greatly affected by the country since the postwar occupation period, the United States is still one of the most important nations when considering the future direction of Japan. In this class, we will examine America from multiple angles and explore its underlying thinking and social structure. After reading the English text about with different topics, students in this class do some research while forming groups, present their findings in English, and share them with the whole class. This class focuses on reading, but aims to improve various skills such as research, writing, discussion, and presentation, and intends to enable students to learn independently and enjoy expressing themselves.
In the spring semester, students will learn about environmental justice in the United States in relation to environmental issues, which are currently considered one of the world's biggest challenges. America, a country of immigrants, has the negative side of subjugating indigenous peoples. We will deepen our knowledge about the relationship between such inequality and the environment. After conducting individual research and group discussion, each group will present their research results.
The main objectives of this course are to help you:
(1) engage interactively with others around texts of different kinds (for example, written, audio-visual, multimedia) so that you can develop the ability to use English
(2) build your knowledge on topics and issues of interest to you
(3) share that knowledge interactively with other people
(4) develop your critical understanding of the world.
(1) Through this course you will learn about different topics and issues of interest to you to do with the main theme of this course.
(2) You will improve your reading (and listening) skills and extend your understanding of the topics and issues in this course.
(3) You will develop your ability to use information on topics and issues that interest you.
(4) You will develop your ability to use English comfortably and fluently to explain, discuss and critically analyse information with other people.
All students read the assigned unit once every six weeks from a common text. They are divided into groups and review the contents together. After that, the contents are shared with the entire class. In the second class, each group will do some brainstorming to find out problems and issues related to the topic and discuss what research topics they would be interested in working on. In the third class, the students will share the researched materials (mainly English ones) within the group, read them, discuss them, and finalize the structure of their presentation. In the fourth class, the students read and check each other's manuscripts, check the PowerPoint etc. that will be used during the presentation, and rehearse. In the 5th and 6th sessions, each group will make a presentation after carefully checking their pronunciation. Audience members are encouraged to take notes and be prepared to ask at least one question.
Week 1: Guidance, introducing the textbook, how to do researches, weekly activities, and explanation of grouping
Week 2: Intensive Reading [Unit 6 Native American Struggles]
Read the common text as a whole class and identify problems with the topic.
During intensive reading, students are divided into groups and do sight translation in order to get the meaning quickly and accurately.
Week 3: Brainstorming & Deciding on the topic
*The instructor checks the progress and efforts of each group.
[Unit 6 Native American Struggles]
Students must come up with a good, unique topic for their presentation through brainstorming.As brainstorming, keep writing any words you’ve got in your mind for 3-5 min. You can’t stop writing during that time. Try to categorize the words that are related, or things that are opposite each other. Compare them with those of members in the same group, discuss which ones are common and which ones are unique, and choose a topic for your group presentation from among them.
Once you have decided on the topic, draw an outline for the group presentation.
Follow the outline, find reference materials, and decide which part each person will be responsible for.
ブレインストーミングの間、頭の中に浮かんだ言葉を 3 ~ 5 分間書き続ける。その間、書くことをやめてはいけない。
Week 4: Sharing research information and Discussion [Unit 6 Native American Struggles]
Students will share the information they have gathered, discuss it, and make a final decision on the structure of their presentation. As soon as the decision is made, they will begin writing the script. *Students must show the lecturer outside sources they got.
They can also show the lecturer the scripts they’ve written so far (extra points)
Week 5: Writing, editing, and completing the manuscript of the presentation
[Unit 6 Native American Struggles]
Within the group, students read each other’s scripts, discuss corrections and additions, and complete the final version of the script. *Students must show the lecturer their scripts.
Week 6: Presentation and Q&A [Unit 6 Native American Struggles]
After the rehearsal, each group gave a presentation. The audience should take notes and be prepared to ask questions. *Extra points for the teams that present on the first day.
リハーサルを行ったのち、各グループのプレゼンテーション。オーディエンスは各自メモを取り、質問できるよう準備すること。 *先にプレゼンになったチームにはextra points
Week 7: Presentation and Q&A [Unit 6 Native American Struggles]
Keep giving a presentation . The audience should take notes and be prepared to ask questions.
Week 8: Intensive Reading [Unit 11 Shale Gas]
Read the common text as a whole class and identify problems with the topic.
During intensive reading, students are divided into groups and do sight translation in order to get the meaning quickly and accurately.
Week 9: Brainstorming & Deciding on the topic
*The instructor checks the progress and efforts of each group.
[Unit 11 Shale Gas]
Students must come up with a good, unique topic for their presentation through brainstorming.As brainstorming, keep writing any words you’ve got in your mind for 3-5 min. You can’t stop writing during that time. Try to categorize the words that are related, or things that are opposite each other. Compare them with those of members in the same group, discuss which ones are common and which ones are unique, and choose a topic for your group presentation from among them.
Once you have decided on the topic, draw an outline for the group presentation.
Follow the outline, find reference materials, and decide which part each person will be responsible for.
ブレインストーミングの間、頭の中に浮かんだ言葉を 3 ~ 5 分間書き続ける。その間、書くことをやめてはいけない。
Week 10: Sharing research information and Discussion [Unit 11 Shale Gas]
Students will share the information they have gathered, discuss it, and make a final decision on the structure of their presentation. As soon as the decision is made, they will begin writing the script. *Students must show the lecturer outside sources they got.
They can also show the lecturer the scripts they’ve written so far (extra points)
Week 11: Writing, editing, and completing the manuscript of the presentation
[Unit 11 Shale Gas]
Within the group, students read each other’s scripts, discuss corrections and additions, and complete the final version of the script. *Students must show the lecturer their scripts.
Week 12: Presentation and Q&A [Unit 11 Shale Gas]
After the rehearsal, each group gave a presentation. The audience should take notes and be prepared to ask questions. *Extra points for the teams that present on the first day.
リハーサルを行ったのち、各グループのプレゼンテーション。オーディエンスは各自メモを取り、質問できるよう準備すること。 *先にプレゼンになったチームにはextra points
Week 13: Presentation and Q&A [Unit 11 Shale Gas]
Keep giving a presentation . The audience should take notes and be prepared to ask questions. 引き続き、各グループのプレゼンテーション。オーディエンスは各自メモを取り、質問できるよう準備すること。
Week 14: 前期のまとめ、前期のテーマ “Environmental Justice”に関する映画鑑賞
Summary of the first semester, watch a movie on the theme of the first semester “Environmental Justice”.
その他 Other
Students will be expected to do 2 hours or more preparation outside class each week, including reading (and/or listening), finding sources of information, note-taking, writing, and/or presentations, discussions, and other activities in class.
種別 | 割合(%) | 評価基準 |
平常点 | 100 | Students will be graded mainly based on continuous assessment, in relation to (i) weekly preparation for class, (ii) weekly participation in class, (iii) products made during the semester such as presentations and written work, portfolios of work, reflections and self-assessments, and (iv) other ways of evaluating the quality and development of students’ use of English week by week. Note: To pass this course, students should have no more than 3 absences. 成績は主に平常点で決まります。平常点の内訳の概要は以下の通りです: (i)毎週の宿題 (ii)毎週のクラスへの出席と参加 (iii)課題の評価(プレゼンテーション、ライティング、ポートフォリオ、復習と自己評価) (iv)その他の評価基準 注意点:単位取得のためには、欠席が3回を超えないこととする。 |
Yukihiro Tsukada, Ayed Hasian, Yoshino Nakamura
Inside and Out:American Culture and Society
Kinseido, 2022, Tokyo
First Edition(初版)
ISBN 978-4-7647-4148-5